Place Value Task Cards WITH QR codes consist of 40 MUSTACHE THEMED task cards on different place value concepts using whole numbers, as well as, decimals.
***Also available WITHOUT QR CODES!!!!***
Covers topics in a variety of ways such as:
- word problems
- straight numbers
(See preview for a better look at types of problems)
All topics cover whole numbers and decimals. Topics include:
- finding the value of underlined digit
- finding the place of the underlined digit
- comparing whole numbers and decimals
- powers of 10
- word, standard, and expanded form
Many uses!!!
- use as a center
- use with a board game
- play a game with the whole class
- Play SCOOT
- Even use for early finishers to practice/review
- Treasure Hunt
***Includes recording sheet for students to keep track of answers! ALSO INCLUDES A GAME BOARD!!!. Answer sheet also included!!!
These cards will look awesome in color but will also work well in gray scale. Print on colored card stock to bring up the aesthetic value if you have to print in gray scale.
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