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40 December Holiday-Themed Figurative Language Examples

Celebrate December with these December Holiday-Themed Figurative Language examples. Figurative language is a fun way to incorporate a variety of holidays and celebrations into the classroom. By using a range of figurative language examples, students can learn about holidays they might be less familiar with while also building excitement for

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Using Collaborative Close Reads in Upper Elementary

Using Collaborative Close Reads in Upper Elementary

Ideas for using collaborative close reads in upper elementary to improve reading comprehension and fluency. As students move into the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades, their need for collaboration and sharing with each other tends to grow. Using collaborative close reads in upper elementary can be a fantastic way to

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Thanksgiving Day Parade Activities

Thanksgiving Day Parade Activities

9 Thanksgiving Day Parade activities that engage students while still working on classroom skills. We’ve talked a lot about Thanksgiving on this blog over the years, but we’ve never talked about the Thanksgiving Parade or ideas you can use to discuss/celebrate it with students. Today, we’re going to provide a

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Fun Ways to Practice States and Capitals

Fun Ways to Practice States and Capitals

A staple of the upper elementary curriculum is teaching and learning the United States of America’s states and capitals. By the time they leave elementary school, students are expected to be able to identify the states on a map and name their capital cities. Although this is a general recall

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40 Halloween-Themed Figurative Language Examples

40 Halloween-Themed Figurative Language Examples

40 Halloween-Themed Figurative Language Examples Halloween Onomatopoeia Examples Halloween Simile Examples Halloween Personification Examples Halloween Alliteration Examples Halloween Idiom Examples Halloween Hyperbole Examples Halloween Metaphor Examples Additional Halloween Resources If you are looking for even more Halloween activities to use with your upper elementary students, check out some of these!

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