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5 Games and Activities for Reviewing Fraction Standards

5 Fraction Games and Activities for Reviewing Fraction Standards Pin Image

Use these fun and easy games and activities for reviewing fraction standards during this upcoming test-prep season.

Guess what! 

It is test prep time, and that means that over here at Fun in 5th Grade, we are reviewing our grade-level standards and skills with games and activities and all the things.

Today’s topic…Fractions.

Not surprising if you read the title and gave it half a thought…(fraction pun!)

Love ‘em or hate ‘em, fractions are an ever-present part of the upper elementary world, and they are going to show up during state tests, so students need to be comfortable with fractions in all their forms and functions.

Today, we are going to go over 5 fraction games and activities for reviewing fraction standards that you can easily incorporate into your school day as you begin your test prep season.

5 Fraction Games and Activities for Reviewing Fraction Standards

#1 | Fraction Sort

Let’s get this party started with a little gumball activity that is bright, colorful, and a great way to find equal fractions from a group.

To use this activity with your students, begin by downloading the FREE resource below. To play, students will mix up the gumball fraction cards and lay out the gumball machines. Then, they’ll sort their gum balls into the machine that is equal to the fraction on the gum ball. This activity is perfect for a warmup, a station, or even as a competitive game where students are racing against a timer!

#2 |  Fraction U-Know Games

As you begin your test-prep season, give students some time to play Fraction U-Know.

When students play Fraction U-Know, they will be asked to perform the following fraction tasks:

  • Find the LCM
  • Simplify
  • Identify the shaded part
  • Equivalent Fractions
  • Change to mixed number
  • Change to an improper fraction

If you want to use these U-Know cards to play even more games and activities for reviewing fraction standards, then you’ll definitely want to take a closer look at our post about playing ‘Markers’ with U-Know cards or the post about playing a friendly game of War with your U-Know cards. We also have this post about 4 ways you can reuse and repurpose U-Know cards.

Don’t let the review stop with just one game, these U-Know decks can be used over and over again to create a whole bunch of games and activities for reviewing fraction standards throughout your test-prep season.

#3 | Fraction Game Show Games

Get out the lights and sound effects because these Fraction Game Show Games are going to be epic! If you aren’t sure what I mean, then you’ll definitely want to make sure to read this post all about up-leveling game shows in your classroom! We give lots of tips (including a FREE soundboard) to help you make the game show experience more fun for your students.

These Fraction Game Show Games are set up Jeopardy-style and are a great addition to a full class review or even small groups. If you are someone who wants to consider all your options, then you may want to take a look through this post that shares several thoughts for playing games in your classroom.

Special Note: Did you know you can repurpose game show slides? Well, you can, and we have given you several ideas for exactly how to do it in this blog post!

#4 | Fraction Digital Puzzles

Digital Fraction Puzzle example

These digital puzzles are easy, no-prep, and self-checking, three of my favorite terms when it comes to a good center or station resource for students to complete independently.

These Digital Fraction Puzzles have bold, interesting graphics that students will piece together as they practice their fraction knowledge.

Students can work through these puzzles on their own, or they can work with a partner. They are super easy to implement as they come with a link that can work on any device that is connected to the internet.

#5 | Task Card Games

If you just want something students can hold in their hands, then we’ve also got some Fraction Task Cards, and some ideas for how to use them that make for some pretty awesome games and activities for reviewing fraction standards.

We have multiple versions of Fraction Task Cards that range from adding and subtracting fractions to multiplication and division of fractions. We also have some that include all operations. You can then use these task cards to play one of the many games that we discuss on the blog, but to get started, you’ll want to read this post about 3 Unexpected Ways to Use Task Cards

One of my favorite parts of these task cards is the option to use the QR codes for the answers. This isn’t available for every set, but it is an awesome addition to the ones that do have it.

5 Fraction Games and Activities for Reviewing Fraction Standards Facebook Image

When you’re getting into the test-prep season, don’t forget to come back to these games and activities for reviewing the fraction standards because test-prep doesn’t need to be all sit and get. It can actually be a lot of fun!

If you want some other fun ways to work on fractions with your students, check out this blog post about fraction challenges for the classroom. These ideas will keep your students moving as they find fractions in real life.

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