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How to use the ELA Game Show Bundle for Test Prep

Keep your upper elementary class interested and intrigued all spring long by using this ELA Game Show Bundle for test prep.

Sometimes we think that test prep season has to be full of serious, test-focused lessons that ensure our students will be prepared for anything the testing masters decide to throw at them. We stick to test-like situations and questions, and we teach our students the best way to work through different types of questions and how to double-check answers.

Although that method probably works, it is definitely not a fun way to do things. Often by the time the test finally comes around, students are weary and bored, and they think that all their teacher cares about is this almighty test.

ELA Game Show Bundle for Test Prep Pinterest Image with a main idea slide on a computer in background

We all know that can’t be further from the truth.

Instead, we need to test prep by focusing on the skills…not the test itself.

Although testing is an important way to get a feel for how students stack up from one school or class to another, they are not the only way that we measure student and class success, and therefore, we have to make sure that we are not putting so much pressure on planning for that specific week of school.

The truth of the matter is that these tests are not out to trick students, and the testing season doesn’t have to be all about helping teach students how to play the testing game. 

Instead, we can use testing season to give our students a chance to shine and show off what they know, all while having a little fun with the knowledge they’ve learned over the course of the last year.

That is why we love using the ELA Game Show Bundle for test prep.

What is the ELA Game Show Bundle?

The Fun in 5th Grade ELA Game Show Bundle currently includes 19 of our classic jeopardy-style game show activities that span an array of topics and concepts. 

The current list looks something like this…

  1. Figurative Language
  2. Find the Theme
  3. Fact & Opinion
  4. Greek & Latin Roots
  5. Nonfiction Text Features
  6. Nonfiction Text Structure Level 1
  7. Nonfiction Text Structure Level 2
  8. Context Clues
  9. ELA Vocabulary Review
  10. Main Idea
  11. Character Traits
  12. Author’s Purpose
  13. Genres
  14. Point of View
  15. Cause & Effect
  16. ELA Skill Review – December Holidays Around the World
  17. ELA Skill Review – Valentine’s Day
  18. ELA Skill Review – Mardi Gras
  19. ELA Skill Review – St. Patrick’s Day

How do you use the ELA Game Show Bundle for test prep?

These Game Shows are perfect for breaking up passage reading and other reading activities. I always liked to balance all that ‘test-like’ reading with fun and games on skills students needed more practice on. 

Since this bundle has MANY different ELA skills and strategies, and they are self-checking, teachers can play the game shows with students as a full class or divide students up based on the concepts they need to work on most to provide the students with the differentiated attention that they need.

Print them out

Any of our Game Show slides can easily be printed (use this blog post to learn how), and students can use the printed text to practice marking up the reading or questions as they play the game, or you can use the slides to play one of the other games that we feature in this blog post!

How to Print Game Show Slides Pinterest image with a printer cartoon-ish drawing

How to play the ELA Game Shows as a full class

To use one game show with the whole class, begin by separating students into 6 groups and give them whiteboards, markers, and erasers.

Personally, I like to have all students answer every question (especially during test prep season), so while students will take turns choosing the questions, every student will answer each question using the steps below.

  • When we choose the question, we read it together or give students time to read it independently.
  • Each student determines the answer they believe is correct and writes it on their whiteboards.
  • Once all students have answered on their boards, they compare and discuss their choices to come together as a group to give a final answer. (In addition to having the correct answer, they need to be able to support their answers)
  • Then give every team points for the correct answer …wrong answers get nothing…they don’t lose points they earned
  • Then a different group will get to choose the next question.

Leveling up your Game Shows

Like all things, game shows played the same way all the time can get a little monotonous and dull. That’s why we like to shake things up by adding a little sparkle to our Game Show experiences through sound, lights, and other leveling-up features that we have thoroughly explained in this blog post!

You can also change the difficulty and extend the games by asking follow-up questions for bonus points. You can think of your own bonus questions, or you can use some from our list!

Ideas for Bonus Questions

  • How did you find the answer?
  • What were the clues that gave you the info you needed? (text evidence)
  • Another comprehension question (for passages) that relates to the passage and students can earn bonus points for a correct answer.
  • Another example of the concept (works great for figurative language, fact and opinion, and character traits)
ELA Game Show Bundle for Test Prep Facebook Image with 4 examples of the game board on screens in background

Don’t be afraid to let loose

Whoever said that testing season couldn’t be fun! 

Combine the games from this ELA Game Show Bundle for test prep that is differentiated, intriguing, and generally a whole lot of good ol’ fashioned fun!

Once you’ve got the ELA Game Show Bundle, make sure to check out our ‘If you have these…try this” blog post for even more ideas on how to use Game Shows with your students!

Looking for more ways to use those resources you bought? Try some of these activities and lessons for upper elementary. Image featuring Close Reads with Mystery Pictures

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